680曾负威望的纽约警探康纳斯(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)不料在一次执行任务中,意外射杀了人质,因此被停职。就在他复职后不久,棘手的劫持事件又发生了,5名训练有素的歹徒控制了一家银行,歹徒头目与康纳斯通话,并用折磨人质来刺激他,康纳斯才意识到对方正是自己曾经误杀的人质的兄弟,形势变得紧我的女人
1055At wedding's day's eve the Andrea things many different lives he could have lived. All of them, in many different ways, brings him to his loved Laura云中漫步
194Follows ten year-old Johnny who stands out in different aspects way beyond his age. Things change when his new teacher sees his potential, believes in