415The post-apocalyptic mystery-thriller will follow a night watchman who finishes his shift at work to discover that everyone in the world who went to s -
962今年夏天举平台之力打造的S+级全新喜剧IP。周星驰将作为节目发起人,激励喜剧演员勇敢逐梦。常驻嘉宾携手行业OG带队,推荐来自全国各地俱乐部的宝藏喜剧演员,演员们将在这个全新顶级单口喜剧竞演舞台上互相比拼,从喜剧小人物一路成长为喜剧之王! -
多米尼克 凤凰崛起
168Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself i